Providing exceptional delivery & consulting services for superior performance

Home Delivery Inc. will provide Limited Time Executive Services with accountability and expertise to the retail industries. This Shared Executive Services approach will allow us to help a number of companies that do not have the need or resources for full time management a executive level but still need the skill, experience & knowledge that HDI can provide. Accountability for results is something that is usually missing from these types of services. We only want the project with the accountability. As we believe accountability allows us to drive our client’s reputation by asserting leadership.  The shared executive aspect of the service would generally be a part time contract basis for a defined period, approximately 6 months or more in duration & a couple of days a month, similar to what you see today with shared or limited time CFO’s.


Shared Executive Services program will take one of two directions depending on the clients needs.


  1. For larger retail clients, we would work in the role of liaison, monitoring, controlling, negotiating and/or driving the contract transportation provider’s to higher level of performance consistently. We truly become a key part of the retailer’s team setting goals and holding members accountable.  Typically retailers focus on consistently improving levels of service often get lost with other more immediate priorities and is usually not their area of core competency. This starts a cycle of client/carrier meetings every time performance falls to an alarming level. Action plans are developed, service improves immediately but quickly fades as the client & carrier's key management get drawn away to new priorities. This knee jerk reaction to service failures does not produce consistently high levels of performance, or customer satisfaction, and damages the company’s reputation with their customers.
  2. For smaller retail clients or home delivery companies, the transportation, distribution, or delivery manager/supervisor will work closely with us to institute programs & improvements for their company. Putting in place a solid foundation by which the company can improve and/or expand. We will provide guidance, improvement programs, & mentoring for the manager so that in time he or she will be able to lead their company’s logistics independently.


We are different “Unlike the many consultant services where they come in, tell you what is wrong (80% of which you already knew), tell you to replace your staff, leave you a nice binder, and wish you good luck! We will be accountable and provide results not just reports. Having accountability we have a vested interest to make the process work within the present personnel structure of your existing operations, coaching, developing and mentoring whenever possible”.